United States Marine Corps

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Zap Hotel's USMC Owned by Controllable



    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2012-05-15

    Promotion/Demotion/Dischared/Deserter Empty Promotion/Demotion/Dischared/Deserter

    Post  Falconism Thu May 17, 2012 9:05 am

    United States Marine Corps
    Promotion/Demotion/Discharged/Deserter Policy

    The promotion scale is used to see the range that an officer can promote to. It also displays what ranks an officer can demote.

    Promotion Scale
    SEAC --------------------------------- W-1
    O-1 --------------------------------- E-6
    O-2 --------------------------------- E-7
    O-3 --------------------------------- E-8
    O-4 --------------------------------- W-1
    O-5 --------------------------------- W-3
    O-6 --------------------------------- W-4
    O-7 --------------------------------- O-2
    O-8 --------------------------------- O-3
    O-9 --------------------------------- O-4
    O-10 --------------------------------- O-5
    HQDA/HQMC --------------------------------- +1
    JCS --------------------------------- +2
    VCJCS --------------------------------- O-9
    CJCS --------------------------------- O-10

    The range reflects the promotional and demotional authority of an officer at a given rank.

    To promote, it is customary to call the serivceperson to report. While they're reporting the Officer is to say why they are being promoted and give them their new motto (and possibly uniform).

    Officer's may only promote when personnel have reached the appropriate minimum time in grade.

    JCS have authority in both branches.

    Time in Grade
    Flag Grade ---------------------- 3 Months (Minimum)
    Field Grade ---------------------- 2 Months (Minimum)
    Company Grade ---------------------- 1 Month (Minimum)
    Warrant Officers ---------------------- 2 - 3 Weeks
    Senior Non-Commissioned Officers ---------------------- 7 - 11 Days
    Non-Commissioned Officers ---------------------- 4 - 7 Days
    Enlisted ---------------------- 1 - 3 Days

    SNCOS with no MOS or DI/DS: 10 - 11 Days
    SNCOS with a MOS or DI/DS: 8 -9 Days
    SNCOS with a MOS and DI/DS: 7 -8 Days

    Special Promotional Policies
    • Only the CJCS/VCJCS may promote to 2ndLt as rights must be given.
    • When a E-1 receives two or more Military Occupational Speciality Training tags that E-1 should be automatically promoted to the rank of E-2 regardless of their enlistment date by the trainer of that MOST.
    • All E-3s must have received Sentry Training/Interior Guard Training from a LDS/SLDO Member before being promoted. Likewise, all E-5s must receive USMC/USA Basic Procedure Training from a LDS/SLDO Member before being promoted.
    • A 1stSgt/SgtMaj/1SG/CSM must serve for one month upon being promoted to a higher rank. If a 1stSgt/1SG needs to remove himself/herself before their tenure is up they are to receive the rank of E-8. If a SgtMaj/CSM need to remove himself/herself before their tenure is up they are to receive the rank of E-9.
    • A 1stSgt/SgtMaj/1SG/CSM tenure is one calendar month. If their tenure stars on a Monday it ends four Mondays from then.
    • JCS may promote personnel who have served their 1stSgt/1SG and SgtMaj/CSM terms to the rank of W-4. CJCS/VCJCS permission required for W-5.
    • From the pay grade of W-2 and above, you must be in a Military Occupational Specialty in order to be promoted. The CJCS/VCJCS reserves the right to nullify this rule for special exceptions.

    • Personnel must be JCS in order to be promoted to the pay grade of O-7. The CJCS/VCJCS reserves the right to nullify this rule for personnel who go far above and beyond the call of duty.
    • Personnel must be CSA, CMC, or MILSEC in order to be promoted to the pay grade of O-9. The CJCS/VCJCS reserves the right to nullify this rule for personnel who go far above and beyond the call of duty.

    Demotions are used as disciplinary action in the (DOD). Demotions are used as the last resort. The following policy dictates proper actions:

    1st Offense: Warning
    2nd Offense: Dishonorable Discharge

    1st Offense: Warning
    2nd Offense: Temporary Demotion
    3rd Offense: Permanent Demotion
    4th Offense: Dishonorable Discharge

    Certain offenses may bypass the system. Officer's may only demote within their range. They may also only demote within their branch. All Offenses outside of range or branch require screenshot evidence and submission to an officer who can demote them, or IGMC/PMG. All demotions are subject to reversal by the CJCS, VCJCS, CSA, CMC, MILSEC, and IGMC/PMG.


    To be discharged, is to longer be a part of active service within the Department of Defense.

    Honorable Discharges

    To receive an honorable discharge, must be at least the rank of E-4, and post a resignation thread on the resignation board. A serviceperson must also leave honorably to receive an honorable discharge. This means you can't leave to avoid a disciplinary action.

    Personnel who have received honorable discharge may return to (DOD) as long as the following conditions apply:
    • Have been gone for over a month.
    • Have not done actions harmful to the U.S. Department of Defense or any of its allies.
    • Have not joined an enemy military.
    • Have not been labeled as NEVER REHIRE
    In order for personnel to be eligible for an Honorable Discharge, the person must post a resignation on the appropriate board for their own resignation. Personnel are not allowed to post a resignation for someone else, unless there is a physical inability to do so (i.e. not registered on the forums, not appropriately masked). All personnel who have a resignation posted through a friend will receive a Dishonorable Discharge in lieu of the requested Honorable Discharge. Similarly, all personnel posting for another will face consequences in accordance with the demotion policy.

    Senior Executive Committee Discharges
    If you are a member of the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (OJCS), Headquarters, Marine Corps (HQMC) or Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) you must send a written notification to the CJCS and VCJCS stating that you will be leaving. Failure to abide by this will result in a termination and a dishonorable discharge. This policy may be nullified by the CJCS/VCJCS for extenuating circumstances.

    Dishonorable Discharges

    There are many reasons to receive a dishonorable discharge, but any personnel that have been, are not allowed back. Officer's may dishonorably discharge any personnel within their range with sufficient reason. Only the CJCS/VCJCS may fire personnel O-1+ for rights removal. Personnel may only be able to return if the discharge is overturned by the CJCS, VCJCS, CSA, CMC, MILSEC, AA, and IGMC/PMG.


    Personnel of the pay grades E-1 - E-5 are labeled as deserters if they are absent from Habbo and/or the forums for five or more days without taking leave or light duty. Personnel of the pay grades E-6+ are labeled as deserters if they are absent from Habbo and/or the forums for ten or more days without taking leave or light duty. Deserters may return at a one rank demotion.

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 5:11 am